Sacred Space
Orgasmic Mama Goddess
Giving birth is designed to be a truly “ La’ Grand Entrance “ . An euphoric elation blended with the most purest love for both baby to be welcomed into earth side, and for mother to be initiated into her motherhood, first time and all times after.
This gate primes us to be the mother we want to be, resulted in a content and happy baby that with time will explore the world and her inner abilities from a place of confidence, love and trust. This is the secure nourishing ground that enables a lifelong love connection. This is when we remember and live life out of the most highest state of being, of who we truly are- LOVE.
This beautiful one in a lifetime experience of orgasmic birthing is accessible to all mothers, whether planning to give birth at the hospital, at home or a birthing centre. it’s natural and within your reach, as the nature of birth is an orgasmic one, its essence is flow.
Flow to transcendence
Orgasmic birth enables a unique heightened state which allows spontaneous and instinctual flow. The ongoing rushes of sensations passing throughout the body, of emotions rising, of Oxytocin flushing through, a free expression of breath and sound. This is the blue print of birth, and becoming aware of its nature and how to align yourself with it, your birth becomes a smooth, pleasurable, ecstatic, orgasmic rite of passage for you, your baby and your partner.
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Orgasmic Birth Secrets
On this all-round course you will discover what is mostly unknown and overlooked, the subtle layers within yourself that greatly influence the physical manifestation of your birth.
Investigating the connection between sexuality and spirituality to birth, setting aside fears and opening emotional and spiritual pathways to possibilities, you realise how these interwoven aspects enable a significant occurrence at birth, and how you can make your birth a memorable orgasmic one.
What will you learn?
- Explore the core principles of orgasmic birth
- The connection between sexuality, spirituality and birth.
- Essential information and the primal knowledge to bring you to your orgasmic birth
- Body, mind and spirit practices & rituals
- Tap into your inner feminine wisdom for making powerful choices
- How to create a peaceful and meaningful life as a mother
- Holistic perspectives and guidance to pleasure based birthing
- Healing and preventing of birth trauma
What will you receive in addition to the above?
The passage into motherhood addresses 3 specific layers within our feminine self’s. From the solid to the subtle, each body on its qualities and a gifts heightens your perspective on your ability to birth. As a whole you will be optimally primed to create a loving welcoming passage for your baby into this world, using these in depth three journeys:
The Physical body
- Sensuality of birth
- Giving birth as making love
- Yoni wisdom & Yoga
- Authentic movement, breath & sound
- Birth sensations as a gate to transcendence
- Oxytocin Bathing
The Emotional Body
- The emotional & mental bodies during pregnancy and birth.
- From fear to love- Emotional energy as a powerful constructive force.
- Boundaries & unconditional love
- Meeting your baby
- Inner Child & Divine Mother
- Wholeness of motherhood
The Spiritual Body
- The spiritual process of pregnancy & birth
- Creating and tapping into a sacred space
- The power of birth
- Childbirth as a rite of passage
- Your feminine essence
- House blessing and welcoming ceremony
- The days to follow
FEM- Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth & Motherhood Centre
Henrick De Keijserstraat 27
Amsterdam 1073TG
Sunday, April 06th