I’m still touched and so proud of myself that I did it. Without any stitches or interventions. Thanks so much for your guidance!!
What can I say, it was beautiful. I had an intense but amazing birth.
I was 40+4 weeks when during that day I felt something was going on. I didn’t know if they were surges or just my body telling me that it was preparing for birth. I went to acupuncture that late morning and during the day nothing really changed. In the evening I felt more was going on, but still I wasn’t sure if this were actually surges. Then around 22.00 I wanted to go to bed, but I just wanted to phone my midwife letting her know what was going on and that maybe I was going to phone her during the night. By the time I hung up the phone and I was laying in bed the surges really began. I was still able to talk but I had to focus on my breath. I asked Rudvin to time the surges because they were coming quite fast. And from an hour on they came every two minutes for around a minute. So at 23.00 Rudvin called the midwife and said that she needed to come to our house. I was still laying in bed with meditation music, my gemstones and clary sage. The midwife arrived at 23.40 and checked how far I was. By that point I already had 7cm. I went into the shower to relax a bit but the surges came quite fast and intense after each other. I think I was in the shower for more than an hour, and at one point I got the feeling that I needed to push. So I went out of the shower to my bed. The midwife checked and I was ready to “push” this was at 01.00 I took several positions and at 01.34 Rumi was born. It really was something special, amazing!It was the birth that I wished for. Me and Rudvin were happy that we went to your course. He learned a lot so that he could be the perfect partner for me to guide me through. And it gave me the trust that I could actually do this at home. I’m still touched and so proud of myself that I did it. Without any stitches or interventions. Thanks so much for your guidance!!