
    Hypnobirthing allowed us to have the birth that we really wanted.

    Sarah Cullen

    During a two year wait to conceive, I spent a lot of time reflecting on myself, the person that I am and would like to be. While I was waiting I was lucky enough to have many experiences which helped me to strengthen myself emotionally, physically and spiritually, and made me question many deep-rooted assumptions I had (sometimes) unknowingly adopted. When I became pregnant and looked towards my birth, it seemed only right to continue questioning and that maybe birthing could be different to what I had grown up with culturally.

    It seemed a natural step to explore hypnobirthing and I was lucky to find Inbal’s name on a website of practitioners in the Netherlands. Alongside Inbal I emailed a few other people to ask for their advice but was immediately drawn to Inbal’s warmth and welcoming nature. She invited me to join her pregnancy yoga class and I immediately knew she would become a special guide in our journey to parenthood.

    During the hypnobirthing course my husband and I did with Inbal, a few things really resonated with me that I took forward into the birth. The first is that true preparation for the kind of birth you would like to have can have an overwhelmingly positive effect. This combined with a relaxed yet confident attitude to all the unknowns is hugely empowering. And, that you really can hear what your body and baby are telling you when you’re preparing yourself to listen.

    We were 11 days overdue when our daughter Poppy was born. We had always tried to remain open to where she was going to be born in case there was little/no choice but we had prepared everything for a home delivery. As soon as my surges started we began to use lots of the relaxation techniques and my husband was a consistent source of guidance as the birth progressed. All our preparation enabled him to play a very active role in the birth as it unfolded.

    In addition to preparation, a good deal of luck and also support from our midwife meant we could do all the things we had spent months visualising and hoping for. I was left to listen to what my body was telling me to do in terms of positioning and never encouraged or told to “push”. My husband delivered our baby (with a little help from our midwife) and placed her in my arms. She was born “en caul” (in her waters) and our desire for limited intervention allowed for this very rare occurrence to happen. Our cord was not cut until it stopped pulsating and, in our case, our Hypnobirthed baby was very calm when she came out and showed absolutely no signs of distress.
    As I look back on our birth and the guidance we were given by Inbal, I know hypnobirthing allowed us to have the birth that we really wanted. And, in the very intense moments of birth when you reach the core of who you are, I can be proud to know I am the strong person my whole experience has allowed me to become.